ManagedEC is a comprehensive, fully outsourced EDI solution combining cloud-based EDI connectivity, technical expertise, and data mapping. It reduces the cost and complexity of maintaining in-house EDI operations and increases the value of your supply chain EDI operations. Improve your business agility by maximizing the number of EDI suppliers utilizing in-house resources for higher priority initiatives.
With ManagedEC and a single connection to our cloud-based B2B network, you get connectivity to all suppliers, management and expansion of your supplier community, technical project management, and value-added services such as data mapping and Transaction Validation.
Cloud-based Solutions from Edict Systems
ManagedEC with Cloud-based Data Mapping helps you get out of the EDI business and maximize ROI by replacing your costly in-house EDI program, including your EDI translator.
A single system provides:
Learn more about the benefits of ManagedEC and how it can help maximize your ROI in our downloadable guide.
Contact us today for a free assessment to see how we can help you maximize ROI with an outsourced EDI solution.
Eliminate the need for EDI-related hardware, software, and communications.
Increase the number of EDI suppliers with WebEDI and proactive onboarding programs.
Utilize your technical, project, and support staff for higher priority business initiatives. ManagedEC includes a dedicated EDI Coordinator who manages all supplier trading initiatives and relationships, monitors transactions, and proactively resolves issues.
Maximize EDI participation and eliminate paper-based processing with optional conversion of fax and email transactions to EDI.
Significantly lower your EDI transaction total cost of ownership.
An easy-to-use browser interface to our Cloud-based B2B Trading Network provides visibility and management of all transactions and suppliers.
The EDI experts at Edict Systems can provide valuable insights by helping you analyze your current supply chain EDI operations, costs, and potential program improvements with ManagedEC.